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Flour Ambassadors

I am a Flour Ambassador. There are many of us, bakers, farmers. millers, eaters, who have taken The Flour Ambassador Pledge created by one of my heroines, Amy Halloran. It was during a workshop with Amy Halloran and baker Stefan Senders at the 2015 PASA (PA sustainable agriculture) conference that my budding ideas about my own bakery became so clarified, so urgent that I left that workshop knowing that it was going to happen: I was going to quit my job and start a bakery. I was going to bake real bread and create community and feed people. It took more than two years, but it did happen, and here we are.


I do solemnly, happily swear, that I am going to tell everyone I see that it’s okay to love flour!

Bread is not poison, Invisibility is poison. I will try to make visible all the labor in bread, from seed to mill, from mill to loaf.

Mills are the levers farmers need to get more interesting grains in the ground, and on our tables, and under our butter.

Because butter is terrific and bread is our family tree, It is time to put the family pictures back in the album, put the album back on the mantelpiece, and get acquainted with grains and flour again.

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